Formation and Use of Possessives

The possessive case is formed in mainly two ways: 

(i) When the noun is singular, its possessive form will be noun + 's:

For example:

Della's hair is very long.

This is Nazma's bag.

However, in some possessives the letter s is omitted in order to avoid a hissing sound.

For example:

I have done it for conscience' sake.

You should sacrifice it for goodness' sake.

(ii) When the noun is plural and ends in s, the possessive case is formed by adding only an apostrophe and no s after it.

For example:

She reads in a girls' school.

Horses' tails are short.

But other plurals take (apostrophe + s) in their possessive forms:

For example:

These are children's books.

This is a women's club.

Here are some more examples of the possessive forms of nouns:

Bangladesh's foreign policy is admirable.

We must obey Nature's laws.

He was at his wit's end.

I ate to my heart's content.

Everything is at my fingers' ends.

He has lost a pound's weight.

Everything depends on heaven's will.

His house is only at a stone's throw from mine.

It is not your money's worth.

It is a day's journey from here to Dhaka.

Subject Pronoun and Object Pronoun 

1. When we use a pronoun as the subject of a verb in a sentence it is called a subject pronoun.


I was travelling to Savar. On the way suddenly the bus stopped and remained non-moving. I called on the guide of the bus and asked him the reason. He (= the guide of the bus) told me that the tire of the bus got punctured.

2. When we use a pronoun as the object of a verb in a sentence, we call that an object pronoun.


Rajon is our class captain for this month. I don't like him (=Rajon) that much.


We use a possessive adjective to talk about:

Things that we own

What are you carrying?

This is my passport.

Family members and friends

My brother lives in Indonesia. He is a Micro Biologist there. 

Things that are connected to us

At my school, we learn science subjects through learning by doing. It helps us a lot to understand the theories.

We use a possessive pronoun to talk about:

Something that belongs to us or is connected with us, without repeating the noun.


The navy blue T-shirt is mine (=my T-shirt). Don't take that one please.

We also use a possessive pronoun when we know which thing we are referring to.


My laptop is six months old. How old is yours (=your laptop)?

Formation and Use of Possessives
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