Techniques of Transformation: Examples

1. I know her name. simple

I know what her name is. complex 

She has a name and I know it. compound

It is not that I do not know her name. negative

2. Only the brave deserve the fair. simple; affirmative 

None but the brave deserve the fair. simple; negative

Only those who are brave deserve the fair. complex.

3. He was the best poet of his time. simple superlative degree 

No other poet of his time was as good as he (was). negative; positive degree

He was better than any other poet of his time. affirmative; comparative degree

4. He killed his brother. simple 

He killed one who was his brother. complex

He killed somebody and it was his brother. compound

He killed none but his brother. negative; simple

Did he not kill his brother? question

5. I can never do it. negative

Can I ever do it? question

6. There can be no love without hatred. negative; simple 

Can there be any love without hatred? question

Where there is love, there is hatred. complex; affirmative

7. It was foolish of you to do that. simple; affirmative 

Was it not foolish of you to do that? negative; question; simple.

You were foolish when you did that, complex

You did that and that was foolish of you. compound 

8. A mother loves her child. simple; affirmative

Is there any mother who does not love her child? question; complex 

There is no mother but loves her child. negative

9. He is the best boy in the class. superlative; simple; affirmative 

Is he not the best boy in the class? question; super; negative; simple 

No other boy in the class is as good as he (is), negative; positive; complex

Who else in the class is as good as he (is)? question; positive; complex 

He is better than any other boy in the class. comparative; affirmative; simple

Is he not better than any other boy in the class? question; comparative; negative; simple

10. Jerry was never late, negative; simple

Jerry was ever punctual. affirmative 

Was Jerry ever late? question

Wasn't jerry ever punctual? question; negative 

11. He is too weak to walk fast. simple; affirmative

He is so weak that he cannot walk fast. negative; complex 

Is he not too weak to walk fast? negative; question; simple

He is very weak and he cannot walk fast. compound; negative

12. Every dog has his day. affirmative; simple 

Is there any dog who does not have his day? negative; question; complex

There is no dog but has his day. negative; complex

13. As soon as I saw him, I fainted. Complex; affirmative 

No sooner had I seen him than I fainted. negative; complex

I saw him and fainted. compound

Seeing him, I fainted. simple 

Did I not faint as soon as I saw him? question; negative; complex.

14. Man is mortal. affirmative

Is man not mortal? question; negative

Man is not immortal. negative

Is man immortal? question

15. I talk to you for the last time; affirmative; simple

It is for the last time that I talk to you. complex 

Never again will I talk to you. negative

Is it not the last time that I talk to you? question; negative.

16. I can never forget her. negative

Can I ever forget her? question

I will always remember her. affirmative

Will I not always remember her? question; negative

17. She is quite right. affirmative 

Is she not quite right? question; negative 

Is it not the fact that she is quite right? question; negative; complex

18. Man is the maker of his fate. affirmative 

Is man not the maker of his fate? question; negative

Who is the maker of man's fate except man himself? question

19. It was only when I requested him the third time that he would take the money. affirmative complex 

Only when did I request him the third time that he would take the money. complex affirmative

It was not until I requested him the third time that he would take the money. negative; complex

He would take the money only after my requesting him the third time. simple; affirmative

He would take the money only after my requesting him the third time. simple; affirmative

20. Where there is a will there is a way. affirmative 

Where there is no will there is no way. negative

Is there any way where there is no will? question; negative 

21. Money is the greatest killer. affirmative; superlative

There is no such killer as money. negative; positive 

Of all the killers, money is the greatest. superlative; affirmative 

Is money not the greatest killer? question; negative

There is no other killer as great as money. positive; negative 

No other killer is greater than money. negative; comparative

Is money not greater than any other killer? question; negative; comparative

22. I have had my revenge at last. affirmative. affirmative

Haven't I had my revenge at last? question; negative

23. She loves us all. affirmative 

Doesn't she love us all? question; negative 

24. He knows how to do it. simple; affirmative

Doesn't he know how to do it? negative; question

He knows the way of doing it. affirmative; simple 

He knows how it is to be done. complex; affirmative 

Doesn't he know how it is to be done? question; negative; complex 

There is a way of doing it and he knows that. compound

He knows what way there is of doing that. complex; affirmative 

He knows the way that there is of doing that. complex; affirmative 

25. He was the best poet of his time. superlative; simple

Was he not the best poet of his time? negative; question; superlative 

There was no other poet of his time who was as good as he. positive; negative

26. How beautiful his black cat is! exclamatory; simple

How beautiful is the black cat that he has! exclamatory; complex 

He has a black cat and it is very beautiful. compound
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