Idioms and Phrases with Bangla Meaning ।। বাংলা অর্থসহ Idioms and Phrases


A. B.C. (প্রাথমিক জ্ঞান )- He does not know the A. B. C of politics.

According to (অনুসারে)- I shall do this work according to your advice.

After all (মোটের উপর)- He is, after all, an honest man.

Above board (অকপট)- His dealings are open and above board.

All the same (একই কথা)- It is all the same whether you go or not.

All in all (সর্বেসর্বা - He is all in all in the class.

All along (আগাগোড়া )- I was present there all along.

At a stretch (একটানা )- I can walk five miles at a stretch.

At all (আদৌ)- I do not like him at all.

As it were (যেন)- The moon is, as it were,a dish of gold.

At large (স্বাধীনভাবে)- Birds fly at large in the sky.

At sixes and sevens (এলোমেলোভাবে). The books were at sixes and sevens on the table.

Apple of discord (বিবাদের বিষয়)- The plot of the land is the apple of discord between the two brothers.

At the eleventh hour (শেষ সময়ে)- He reached the station at the eleventh hour.

At daggers drawn (শত্রুভাবাপন্ন)-The two brothers are at daggers drawn with each other.

At best (বেশীর পক্ষে)- I can give you ten take at best.

At the point of (পর্যায়ে)- He is at the point of death.

At all costs ( যতই ক্ষতি হউক না কেন)- I shall help you at all costs.

All but (প্রায়) The work is all but finished.

A hard nut to crack (কঠিন সমস্যা)- The food problem is a hard nut to crack.

A great deal of (প্রচুর পরিমাণে)- It will bring a great deal of good to our village.

A man of letters (বিদ্বান ব্যক্তি). He is a man of letters.

A bed of roses (ফুলশয্যা)- Life is not a bed of roses.

A black sheep (কুলাঙ্গার )- He is a black sheep in the family.

At home in (দক্ষ)- He is at home in Algebra.

Above all (মোটের ওপর)- He is, above all, a poet. 

An open secret ( উন্মুক্ত রহস্য)- He is addicted to drinking is an open secret.

Again and again (বার বার)- He warned me again and again.

All on (of) a sudden (হঠাৎ )- All on (of) a sudden, he went to Bogra.

At every step (প্রতি পদক্ষেপে)- He disturbed me at every Step.

At length ( দীর্ঘদিন পরে)- At length he did the work.

All the while (সর্বক্ষণ )- the while he was with me.

At all events (যাহাই হোক না কেন)- He will stand by me at all events.

At any cost (যে কোন প্রকারে)- He must help me at any cost.

At dead of night (গভীর রাতে)- The boy came home at dead of night.

At one's wit's end(হতবুদ্ধি) - I am at my wit's end what to do.


Bag and baggage (তল্পিতল্পাসহ) He left the hostel bag and baggage.

Black and blue (বেদম প্রহার) He beat the dog black and blue.

By and by ( শীঘ্রই )- He will go there by and by.

By the by (কথা প্রসঙ্গে ) By the by he told me a story.

Burning question (জরুরী সমস্যা) Housing is a burning question facing our country.

By way of (প্রসঙ্গে )- He told me the story by way of an example.

By all means (অবশ্যই) You should by all means help me.

By no means (কোন প্রকারেই না) You should by no means waste your time.

By any means (যে কোন প্রকারে)-I shall help you by any means.

Bid fair ( আশা প্রদান করা) The boy bids fair to shine in life.

By means of (উপায়ে). He came to power by means of treachery.

Beggar's description (অবর্ননীয় ). The misery of the people baggar's description.

Beyond question (সন্দেহাতীত). His honesty is beyond question.

By dint of/ By virtue of (বলে)- He stood first by virtue of his merit.

By fits and starts (অনিয়মিতভাবে). He reads by fits and starts.

By leaps and bounds (দ্রুত গতিতে). The price of rice is going up by leaps and bounds.

By hook or by crook ( যে কোন প্রকারে হউক)- I will go abroad by hook or by  crook.

By chance (হঠাৎ)- By chance he met me on the way.

Bolt from the blue (বিনামেঘে বজ্রপাত )- The news of my mother's death came to me like a bolt from the blue.

Blue blood (অভিজাত্য). The man is proud of his blue blood.

Bring to light (প্রকাশ করা)- Do not bring the secret to light.

Break down (নষ্ট হওয়া)- His health has been broken down.

Burst out (ফাটিয়া পড়া)- She burst out in anger.


Crocodile tears (মায়াকান্না)- The women shed crocodile tears.

Crying need (জরুরী প্রয়োজন)- Education is the crying need of a country.

Come in (ভিতরে আসা)-May I come in. Sir?

Come out (প্রকাশিত করা). The book will come out very soon.

Cast out (বিতাড়িত করা)- He has been cast out from our society.

Cast down (অবনত)- Nobody should cast down by misfortune.

Call in question (সন্দেহ করা)- None should call in question the honesty of my sister.

Cats and dogs (মুষলধারে). It is raining cats and dogs.

Cock and bull story (গাঁজাখুরি গল্প)- I do not believe such a cock and bull story.

Catch a tartar (শক্ত লোকের পাল্লায় পড়া ) He caught a tartar in him.


Do away with (উঠাইয়া দেওয়া)- Do away with your bad habits.

Do without (ব্যতিরেকে চলা)- I cannot do without him.

Downfall (পতন)- His downfall is due to his own fault.

Downcast (বিষণ্ন)- He looked at me with downcast eyes.

Dead against ( ঘোর বিরোধী)- Shanta is dead against of smoking.

Dead language (অপ্রচলিত ভাষা) Sanskrit is a dead language.

Double game (কপটতা)- It is very bad to play a double game.


Ever and anon (প্রায়ই)- He comes here ever and anon.

Every now and then (প্রায়ই)- He writes me every now and then.

Escape from (মুক্তি)- Nobody will escape from death.

Eligible for (যোগ্য)- He is eligible for the post.


Flesh and blood (রক্তমাংসের শরীর)- No flesh and blood can endure such an insult.

Fall a victim to (শিকারে পরিণত হওয়া)- He fell a victim to his own folly.

Fall down (পড়িয়া যাওয়া)-The boys fell down from the roof.

Fond of (অনুরাগী)- I fond of sweets.

For good, For ever (চিরতরে)- Mira left the country for good.

Few and far between (কদাচিত )- He comes here few and far between.

Fair and square (ঠিক)- We should be fair and square in our dealings.

For the sake of (জন্য)- I shall do it for the sake of prestige.

Face to face (মুখোমুখি)- The two boys stood face to face.

Fall flat (নিস্ফল হওয়া)- His advice fell flat on his brother.

Far and near/Far and wide (সর্বত্র )- His fame spread far and near/wide.

Fight shy of (এড়াইয়া যাওয়া)-Why do you fight shy of me?

Fish out of water (অস্বস্তিকর অবস্থা)- I feel like a fish out of water in any new place.

For nothing (মিছামিছি )- He scolds me for nothing.

For the time being (আপাতত )- He is out of employment for the time being.

From top to bottom (পুরোপুরি )- I read the book from top to bottom.

From door to door (দ্বারেদ্বারে )- The blind boy is begging from door to door.

From bad to worse (ক্রমেই খারাপ হওয়া)- His condition is getting from bad to worse.


Go in for (পরীক্ষা দেওয়া)- Benu will go in for the S.S.C. Examination.

Give away (দান)- He gave away the prizes among the students.

Good at (দক্ষ)- He is good at English!

Get by heart (মুখস্ত করা)- I got the poem by heart.

Get rid of (মুক্তি পাওয়া)- You should get rid of your bad habit.

Go astray ( বিপথে যাওয়া)- Take care of the boy that he may not go astray

Go through (পড়া)- I have gone through the book.

Give up (পরিত্যাগ করা ) Give up your bad habits.


Hard up (অভাবগ্রস্ত )- I am hard up now.

Heart and soul (প্রাণপণে)- He tried heart and soul to pass the examination.

Hold good (খাটা)- The rule does not hold good here.

Hand to hand (হাতাহাতি )- The two boys fought hand to hand.

Head and ears (সম্পূর্ণভাবে )-I am now head and ears in debt.

Hold with (একমত হওয়া)-I could not hold with him on this point.

Hard and fast (ধরাবাধা)- There is hard and fast rule in Algebra.

High time (উপযুক্ত সময়) It is high time to sow the seeds.

Hue and cry (চীৎকার করা)- They raised a hue and cry when the robbers came.

In the long run (পরিমাণে ) Virtue wins in the long run.

In black and white (লিখিতভাবে)- Give your statement in black and white.

In lieu of (পরিবর্তে) Bulbul took Civics in lieu of Urdu.

in the nick of time (ঠিক সময়)- He reached the station in the nick of time.

In keeping with (সামঞ্জস্য রাখিয়া)-you  should spend in keeping with your income.

In no time (শীঘ্রই). He will come here in no time.

In the hope of (আশায়)-Man works in the hope of success.

In the teeth of (বিরুদ্ধে ). Don't lose heart in the teeth of opposition.

In full swing (পুরাদমে) The project is running in full swing.

in the guise of (ছদ্মবেশে)- He came here in the guise of a saint.

In cold blood (বিনা উত্তেজনায়)- He killed the boy in cold blood.

In quest of (অনুসন্ধানে)-The police came in quest of dacoits.

In favour of (অনুকূলে )- The wind is in favour of him.

Ins and outs (খুটিনাটি ) I know ins and outs of the matter.

in a nutshell (সংক্ষেপে ) Tell me the story in a nutshell.

In the wake of (পশ্চাতে )- Famine comes in the wake of flood. vogue.

in vogue (প্রচলিত)- This fashion is now In vague.

In a fix (সমস্যা)- I am now in a fix. order to buy a book.

In order to (উদ্দেশ্য )- He went there in order to buy a book.

In point of (সমন্ধে) He is junior to me in point of age.

In accordance with (অনুসারে) We acted in accordance with his advice.

In a body (একযোগে)- They went to him in a body.

In case of (যদি)- In case of your failure what will you do?

Instead of (পরিবর্তে). He took rice instead of curry.

in good faith (সরল বিশ্বাসে)- I signed the deed in good faith.

In search of (সন্ধানে)- He went there in search of a light.

In respect of (বিষয়ে)- He is junior to me in respect of age.

in view of (বিবেচনা করিয়া) in view of his merit (মেধা) he has been

In honour of (সম্মানে)- A party was given in honour of the guest.

In the eye of (অনুসারে )- All men are equal in the eye of law.

in disguise (ছদ্মবেশে)- He went there in disguise.

in season and out of season (সময়ে অসময়ে ) He bothers ( বিরক্ত করা) me in season and out of season.

In vain (বৃথা) He tried but in vain.

in short (সংক্ষেপে ) Tell me the story in short.


Jack of all trades (সবজান্তা) He is jack of all trades but master of none.


Kith and kin (আত্মীয় -স্বজন)- All his kith and kin left him.

Keep up with (চালিয়ে যাওয়া). Try to keep up with the progress of the class.

Know no bounds (অসীম)- The kindness of the boy knew no bounds.

Knocking at the door (খুব নিকটে) Our examination is knocking at the door


Lame excuse (বাজে অজুহাত). It is nothing but a lame excuse

Loaves and fishes (ব্যক্তি স্বার্থ ). Many people run after loaves and fishes.

Laughing stock (উপহাসের পাএ) His foolish remark made him a laughing stock.

Lions share (সিংহভাগ) The lion's share of the profit will go to him.


Make good ( ক্ষতিপূরণ করা)You should make good of your loss

Make out (বুঝতে পারা)- I cannot make out the meaning of the poem

Malden speech (প্রথম বক্তৃতা )- His maiden speech charmed us all.

Muster strong (একএিত)- The people mustered strong in the field.


null and void(বাতিল)-The rule has been declared null and void.

Now and then (বাতিল)- He comes here now and then.

Nip in the bud (অঙ্কুরে বিনাশ হওয়া)- All his hopes were nipped in the bud.


On the contrary (পক্ষান্তরে)- He hates me, on the contrary I love him much.

Out of doors (বাহিরে) He is too weak to go out of doors.

On no account (কিছুতেই না)-I shall on no account do it.

On the eve of (প্রাক্কালে)- I saw him on the eve of his departure.

On account of (কিছুতেই না)- He is absent on account of illness.

Out of date (অপ্রচলিত ) This fashion is now out of date of his departure.

Out and out( সম্পূর্ণরূপে )- He is out and out a rogue.

of late (সম্প্রতি) Of late he is working hard.

Over head and ears (জর্জরিত )- He is over head and ears

On hand (অধিকারে)- I have two pens on hand.

Out of sorts (অসুস্থ)-I feel out of sorts today.

Of course (স্বভাবত)- Of course, he is sad for the loss Of his pen.

Off and on (মাঝেমাঝে)- He comes here off and on.

On the point of (উদ্যত)- He is on the point of death.

Out burst (উচ্ছ্বাস)- His out burst of feeling moved us all.

Outlook (দৃষ্টিভঙ্গি )- We should have broad outlook on life.

Outcome (ফলাফল)- His failure is the outcome of his idleness.

Output (উৎপাদন)- I warned him at the very output.

Overlook (উপেক্ষা করা)- He overlooked his son's faults.

Outcast (জাতিভ্রষ্ট )- He is an outcast.

On good terms (সদ্ভাব)- They are on good terms with one another.

Once again (আবার)- I shall see him once again.

On the whole (মোটের ওপর)- His conduct is, on the whole, satisfactory.

Out of order (অকেজো হওয়া)- The machine has gone out of order.


Pant and parcel (অবিচ্ছেদ অংশ)- Habit is a part and parcel of man.

proud of (গর্বিত)- He is proud of his wealth.

Pros and cons (সুবিধা-অসুবিধা)- He considered the pros and cons of the matter.

Palmy days (সুসময়ে)- I had many friends in my palmy days.


Red letter day (স্মরণীয় দিন)- The 16th December is a red letter day in the history of Bangladesh.


Set up (স্থাপন করা)- He set up a school in our village.

Safe and sound (নিরাপদে)- He arrived here safe and sound.

See through (ধরে ফেলা)- I could easily see through your design.

Set out (রওয়ানা হওয়া )- He set out for Dhaka.

Steer clear of (এড়াইয়া যাওয়া)- I could steer clear of the difficulty.

Sum and substance (সারমর্ম )- Give in your own words the sum and substance of the story.

Sworn enemy (পরম শত্রু)- He is my sworn enemy.

Slow coach (ধীর ব্যক্তি)- A slow coach cannot prosper in life.

So so (এক রকম)- I am so so.

So to say (বলিতে গেলে )- He is, so to say, a good boy.


Through thick and thin (আপদে-বিপদে)- He was by my side through thick and thin

Through and through (সম্পূর্ন)- I have read the book through and through,

To the last (শেষ পর্যন্ত)- He fought to the last for me.

To the contrary (বিপক্ষে )- He has nothing to say to the contrary.

To take to air (প্রকাশ হওয়া) Their plan has taken to air.

Tooth and nail (প্রাণপণে) We opposed him tooth and nail.

To and fro (এদিক-ওদিক)- He is moving to and fro.

To run short (কম পড়া)- I have run short of funds.

To take to task (ঘৃণা  করা)- His brother took him to task for this act.

The three R's (মোটামুটি জ্ঞান )- I learnt the three R's at home.


Up and doing (তৎপর হওয়া)- Be up and doing for the examination.

Ups and downs (উত্থান-পতন)- Every man has ups and downs in life.

Upset (উল্টাইয়া ফেলা)- He upset the lamp.

Under lock and key (তালাবদ্ধ )- The house is under lock and key.


Wear and tear (ক্ষয়ক্ষতি )- Nothing can stand the wear and tear.

Weal and owe (সুখ-দুঃখ )- He will follow me in weal and owe.

Wipe out (মুছে ফেলা)- We should try to wipe out illiteracy.

Withheld (স্হগিত রাখা) His result was withheld.

Well off (স্বচ্ছল)- Farmers are now well off.

With a view to (উদ্দেশ্যে)- I went to Bogra with a view to buying some books.

Without fail (অবশ্যই) He will see me tomorrow without fail.

Well up (দক্ষ)- He is well up in English.

বিভিন্ন পরীক্ষায় আসা Idioms and Phrases 


At first sight (প্রথম দর্শনে)-Love at first sight is called romantic love. 

As though (যেন)-The world is as though an orange. 

A mammoth task (কঠিন কাজ)-It is a mammoth task to remove illiteracy from

Anything but (বিপরীত)-His conduct is anything but good.

Listen to (শ্রবণ করা) We listened to the story. 

All round (চারদিকে)-The old sailor heard music all round him. 

At Last (অবশেষে)- At last God took pity on them. 

All day and night (সারাদিন ও সারারাত )-They looked for a ship all day and all night.

As much as ( ততটুকু পরিমাণ বা সমান পরিমাণ) I will help you as much as you need.

As well as (এবং/আরও)-He as well as his friend came here. 

A little bit (কিছুটা)-You look a little bit with my brother.

At day light (প্রাতঃকাল)-He gets up at day light every day.

As if (যেন)-He talks as if he were a scholar

As well (সমপরিমাণে ) -He is truthful and honest as well.

All over (সর্বত্র )-There are schools and colleges all over the country.

A bit of- (সামান্য) Please give me a bit of bread.

All the more (আরও বেশী)-I feel for her all the more because she has no money.

As an excuse for (অছিলায় সুবিধার্থে) -I eat them as an excuse for conversation.

At the scent of (ওঁত পেতে থাকা)-The dog barks at the scent of the fox.

At the sight of (দেখামাত্র )- His mouth often watered at the sight of asparagus.

As soon as (যত শীঘ্র সম্ভব)-The train left the station as soon as he reached.

A long time (দীর্ঘদিন ) Jerry had been chopping wood for a long time.

At any rate (যে কোন মূল্যে)-At any rate, I like to go my own way. 

At length (অবশেষে) She was, at lenght, able to look up with dim eyes.

Ask for (চাওয়া)- I asked for a boy or man. 

A string of pearls (মুক্তার ছড়া) Her teeth were brighter than string of pearls.

A good deal (প্রচুর যথেষ্ট )-Students read a good deal for examination. 

At least (অন্ততঃপক্ষে)-He requires at least TK. 50.00. 


Bill of fare (মূল্যসহ খাদ্যের তালিকা)-Taking a seat, he asked the waiter for a bill of fare.

Beyond one's means (সাধ্যের বাহিরে)-Foyot's was beyond the writer's means.

Burning sun (প্রজ্জ্বলিত সূর্য )-They were going through the burning sun.

By all means (সব উপায়ে)-He ordered it for his guest by all means.

By night fall (সন্ধ্যার আগে)-The writer wanted to come out of the mountains by night

Bedded on (প্রতিষ্ঠিত )-His sincerity is bedded on moral principles.

Blow out (দূর করা)-Fresh air blows out sickness. 

Burn with questions (প্রশ্নবানে বিদ্ধ হওয়া প্রশ্নদ্বারা কষ্টপাওয়া- I burrned with questions to see the old woman.

Be off (প্রস্থান করা)-He must be off now.

Barely enough (সামান্য)-He is earning barely enough money.

Break in upon (গতি ব্যাহত করা)- He broke in upon our conversation.

Be burdened with (দ্বারা ভারাক্রান্ত হওয়া)-He has been burdened with many dependents since he was a youngman.

Bumed with ( প্রজ্জ্বলিত করা/ জর্জরিত) - The writer burned with questions he could not ask.

Be in a hurry ( ব্যস্ততায় থাকা )-The writer was in a hurry.

By trade (পেশায়)-The man was by trade a porter.

By the time (ততক্ষণে)-By the time he came back.

Beggar description (বর্ণনাতীত )- The condition of the village beggars description.

Belong to (অধিকারে থাকা)-This book belongs to me.

Came to (পরিমাণ হওয়া)-The bill came to TK 5000/00

Cut out ( বাদ দেওয়া ) You sh cut out smoking. 


Communion between (ঘনিষ্ঠ সম্পর্ক  )-There is a communion between them.

Close dealing (দরকষাকষি )-I do not like him for his close dealing.

Can picture (মনে করা)-I could picture about him.

Cut short (বিচ্ছিন্ন )-The mistress cut short her sister's pleasantry.


Drop behind (পিছনে অস্ত যাওয়া)-The sun dropped behind the mountains.

Do up (বিন্যস্ত করা) Della did up her hair again.


Flutter out (বের হয়ে আসা) -They fluttered out the door.

Free will agent (স্বাধীনচেতা)- He was a free will agent.

From hour to hour (ঘন্টায়-ঘন্টায়)-The sky changed its aspects from hour to hour.

Flop down (হঠাৎ শুয়ে পড়া)-He flopped down on the bed.

Fall down dead (মৃত অবস্থা)-They fell down dead, one after another.

For instance (উদাহরণ স্বরূপ)- He likes flowers, for instance, rose, merrigold.

For the first time (প্রথমবারের জন্য)-She looked at Jerry for the first time.

Fall in ruin (ধ্বঃস হওয়া)-In couse of time, the town fell in ruin.

Filled with (পূর্ন হওয়া)-The sailors were filled with fear.

For an instant (একটু ক্ষণের জন্য) Her eyes rested for an instant on the three franchs etc.

Fixed upon (উপর নিবদ্ধ )-His eyes were fixed upon the young offender.

From one's heart (সর্বান্তকরণে )- He blessed the child from his heart. 


Get up (উঠা)- He got up from his meal. 

Great of heart (হৃদয়বান)-Such things are done only by the great of heart.

Give way to (পরাজয় স্বীকার করা)-Do not give way to sorrow.

Go far (সাফল্য লাভ করা)-He could not go far in teaching.

Go for (কোন দিকে অগ্রসর হওয়া) -He went for the college.

Get into (অভ্যস্ত হয়ে পড়া)-They get into the way of reading book suggested by others.

Get out (বের করা) I got out my drawing pencil. 

Go round the world (বিশ্বঘুরে ভ্রমণ করা)-He has no desire to go round the world.

Grow out (বেড়ে বড় হওয়া)-Her hair grew out again and she looked pretty. 

Get into the way of (অভ্যস্ত হয়ে পড়া)-He has got into the way of smoking.

Go one's own way (নিজের মত চলা)-Rahim goes his own way.


Have a snack (সামান্য খাবার) He had just had a snack.

Hang out (বাদ পড়া)-Where is he hanging out now?

Hung over (উদিত হওয়া) The sun hung over the mountain.

Hunt over (তন্ন তন্ন করে খোঁজা) I hunted all over the town to find a suitable present.

In the least (আদৌ)- I am not in the least hungry. 

In season (খাদ্যের ক্ষেত্রে, তরতাজা অবস্থায় পাবার ঋতুতে) Mangoes are cheap when they ar in seas

In bloom (পুষ্পিত)-Roses are in bloom in spring.

In any case (যে কোন ক্ষেত্রেই)-In any case we shall not play the match. 

In payment (বিনিময়ে) He gave me some money in payment of my services.

In case of (ক্ষেত্রে): In case of your fathure I shall do the work.

In a rapid sequence (দ্রুত গতিতে পরপর)-These plays are staged in a  rapid sequence.

In love with (প্রতি আসক্ত) The girl is not in love with any of her class-mates.

In the habit of (অভ্যস্হ থাকা)-He was in the habit of eating heavy things.
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