Basic Verb Patterns

The basic verb patterns

If we look at the main elements in the clause (s, V, 0, C), we can distinguish six basic verb patterns. (We call them 'verb patterns' rather than clause patterns', since it is the verb that determines the type of clause structure.)
• SVC (or sometimes SVA): The first verb pattern occurs with linking verbs: be, appear, look, seem, etc. 
Linking verbs 'link together' the subject and the complement [here in square brackets):

Luke's father is [a lawyer]
Both boxers became [famous]
The victory seems [a foregone conclusion].
The guard posts are [along the frontier].

• SVO: The second verb pattern occurs with verbs that have one object, i.e. transitive verbs:
I like [Hemingway's style].

• SVOV: The third verb pattern occurs with verbs that have an object + a verb:
The manager asked [me] (to work overtime)

• SVOO: The fourth verb pattern occurs with verbs that have two objects (these verbs are called 'ditransitive verbs'):
I'll give [you] (the report) on Monday.

• SVOC: The fifth verb pattern occurs with verbs that have an object and an object complement:
We found (the house) (too expensive)

• SV: The sixth verb pattern occurs with verbs without object or complement, i.e. intransitive verbs:
The children laughed.
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