Comparison of Adjectives (Degree)

Degree কাকে বলে ও কত প্রকার

Comparison of adjectives বা Degree বলতে adjective-এর বিভিন্ন রূপকে বোঝায়।

Comparison of adjectives or Degree refers to different forms of the adjective.

It is divided into three types:

  • Positive Degree
  • Comparative Degree
  • Superlative Degree

Positive Degree:

একটি sentence-এ noun বা pronoun-এর গুণ, দোষ, অবস্থা প্রভৃতি বোঝাতে adjective-এর যে রূপ ব্যবহৃত হয় তাকে Positive Degree বলে।

The form of an adjective which depicts a noun or pronoun’s quality, flaw or state is called Positive degree.


  • He is a talented writer.

Comparative Degree:

দুটি noun বা pronoun-এর গুণ, দোষ, অবস্থা প্রভৃতির তুলনা করতে adjective-এর যে রূপ ব্যবহৃত হয় তাকে Comparative Degree বলে।

The form of adjective which compares two nouns’ or pronouns’ quality, flaw or state is called Comparative degree.


  • Arisha is taller than Trina.

Superlative Degree:

Adjective-এর যে রূপটি অনেকের মধ্যে তুলনা করতে ব্যবহৃত হয় তাকে Superlative Degree বলে।

The form of an adjective which is used to compare among many is called Superlative Degree.


  • Shahab is the best player on the cricket team.

Change of Degrees:

Superlative Degree into Positive Degree

Rules of changing Superlative Degree into Positive Degree

Rule 1:

No other+ sentence-এ প্রদত্ত Superlative-এর পরের অংশ+verb+so/as+ Superlative degree-এর positive form+ as+ প্রদত্ত sentence-এর subject.

No other+ the latter part of the given Superlative in the sentence+ verb+ so/as +a positive form of the Superlative degree+ as+ given sentence’s subject.

Superlative: Saira is the tallest girl in the class.

Positive: No other girl is as tall as Saira.

Superlative: Shakib is the best player.

Positive: No other player is as good as Shakib.

Rule 2:

Rule of changing Superlative Degree having one of the, all other, many other, most other, very few, few other, into Positive Degree:

Very few+ sentence-এ প্রদত্ত Superlative-এর পরের অংশ+ verb-এর plural form+ so/as+ Superlative degree-এর positive form+ as+ প্রদত্ত sentence-এর subject.

Very few+ the latter part of the given Superlative in the sentence+ verb’s plural form+ so/as+ a positive form of the Superlative degree+ as+ given sentence’s subject.

Superlative: Sohana is one of the best students in her class.

Positive: Very few students in Sohana’s class are as good as her.

Superlative: Adil is one of the best players on the team.

Positive: Very few players in the team are as good as Adil.

Comparative Degree into Positive Degree

Rule 1:

Rule of changing Comparative Degree having than any other/ all other, into Positive Degree:

No other+ any other/ all other-এর পরের অংশ+ verb+so/as+ Comparative degree-এর positive form+ as+ মূল sentence-এর subject.

No other+ the latter part of any other/ all other in the sentence+ verb+so/as+ a positive form of the Comparative degree+ given sentence’s subject.

Comparative: Ahan is better than any other debater in the debate club.

Positive: No other debater in the debate club is as good as Ahan.

Comparative: Aruba is sweeter than all other singers in the program.

Positive: No other singers in the program is as sweet as Aruba.

Rule 2:

Rule of changing Comparative Degree having than, into Positive Degree:

বাক্যে Than-এর পরের অংশ + verb+ not+ so/as+ Comparative degree-এর Positive রূপ+ as+ মূল sentence-এর subject.

The latter part of than in the sentence+ verb+ not+ so/as+ Comparative degree’s positive form+ as+ given sentence’s subject.

Comparative: Ahan is stronger than Rihan.

Positive: Rihan is not as strong as Ahan.

Comparative: Lisa is taller than Raisa.

Positive: Raisa is not as tall as Lisa.

Rule 3:

Rule of changing Comparative Degree having than most other/ than few other, into Positive Degree:

Very few+ Sentence-এ most other/few other-এর পরের অংশ+verb-এর plural form+ so/as+ Comparative degree-এর Positive রূপ+ as+ মূল sentence-এর subject.

Very few+ The latter part of most other/few other in the sentence+ verb’s plural form+ so/as+ Comparative degree’s positive form+ as+ given sentence’s subject.

Comparative: Adil is more intelligent than most other students in the academy.

Positive: Very few students in the academy are as intelligent as Adil.

Rule 4:

Rule of changing Comparative Degree having No less/ not less, into Positive Degree:

No less/ not less উঠে গিয়ে সে স্থানে ‍as বসে এবং than উঠে গিয়ে সে স্থানে as বসে, বাক্যের বাকি সবকিছু অপরিবর্তিত থাকে।

‘As’ is placed in the places of “No less/ not less” and “than”, other things remain unchanged in the sentence.

Comparative: Karim is no less active than Rahim.

Positive: Karim as active as Rahim.

Comparative: Ria is not less intelligent than Dia.

Positive: Ria is as intelligent as Dia.

Rule 5:

Rule of changing Comparative Degree having No sooner had…. than, into Positive Degree:

No sooner had উঠে গিয়ে as soon as+ subject+ verb-এর past form+ than-এর পূর্বের অংশ+ than উঠে গিয়ে কমা বসে+ বাক্যের বাকি অংশ।

As soon as is placed in the place of No sooner had+ subject+ verb’s past form+ former part of than+ a comma (,) is placed in the place of than+ rest of the sentence.

Comparative: No sooner had he listened to it than he started laughing.

Positive: As soon as he listened to it, he started laughing.

Superlative Degree into Comparative Degree

Rule 1:

Subject+ verb+ Superlative-এর Comparative রূপ+ than any other+ বাক্যের বাকি অংশ।

Subject+ verb+ Superlative degree’s Comparative form+ than any other+ rest of the sentence.

Superlative: She is the most active member of the group.

Comparative: She is more active than any other member of the group.

Note: যদি of all থাকে, of all-এর বদলে than all other বসে।

If there is “of all” than all other is placed in the place of “All of”.

Superlative: He is the most honest of all men.

Comparative: He is more honest than all other man.

Rule 2:

Rule of changing Superlative Degree having one of the, into Comparative degree:

Subject+ verb+ Superlative-এর Comparative রূপ+ than most other+ বাক্যের বাকি অংশ।

Subject+ verb+ Superlative’s comparative form+ than most other+ rest of the sentence.

Superlative: Sohana is one of the most brilliant students in the class.

Comparative: Sohana is more brilliant than most other students in the class.


Positive Degree into Comparative Degree

Rule 1:

Rule of changing Positive Degree having no other, into Comparative degree:

মূল বাক্যের শেষের subject+ Positive degree-এর Comparative degree+ than any other+ No other-এর পর থেকে verb-আগে পর্যন্ত।

Main sentence’s subject situated at the last+ Positive degree’s Comparative form+ than any other+ latter part of “No other” up to the verb.

Positive: No other student in the class is as brilliant as him.

Comparative: He is more brilliant than most other student in the class.

Rule 2:

Rule of changing Positive Degree having very few, into Comparative degree:

মূল বাক্যের শেষের subject+ verb + Positive degree-এর Comparative degree + than most other+ very few-এর পর থেকে verb-আগে পর্যন্ত।

Main sentence’s subject situated at the last+ verb+ Positive degree’s Comparative form+ than most other+ latter part of “Very few” up to the verb.

Positive: Very few men are as honest as Mr. Abu Taleb.

Comparative: Mr. Abu Taleb is more honest than most other men.

Rule 3:

Rule of changing Positive Degree having As….as, into Comparative degree:

মূল বাক্যের শেষের subject+ verb+ not+ Positive degree-এর Comparative degree+ than+ মূল বাক্যের প্রথম subject।

Main sentence’s subject situated at the last+ verb+ not+ Positive degree’s Comparative form+ than+ Main sentence’s first subject.

Positive: She is as honest as her sister.

Comparative: Her sister is not more honest than her.

Comparative Degree into Superlative Degree

Rule 1:

Subject+ verb+ the+ Comparative-এর Superlative রূপ+ বাক্যে other-এর পরের অংশ।

Subject+ verb+ the+ Comparative’s Superlative form+ latter part of other in the sentence.

Comparative: He is more brilliant than any other student in the class.

Superlative: He is the most brilliant student in the class.

Note: any other-এর পরিবর্তে of all থাকলে, Superlative-এর পরে of all বসে।

Comparative: He is more brilliant than of all students.

Superlative: He is the most brilliant of all students.

Rule 2:

Rule of changing Comparative degree having than most other/ than few other, into Superlative degree:

Subject+ verb+ one of the+ Comparative-এর Superlative রূপ+ বাক্যে most other/few other-এর পরের অংশ।

Subject+ verb+ one of the+ Comparative’s Superlative form+ latter part of most other/ few other in the sentence.

Comparative: Arif is stronger than most other boys on the team.

Superlative: Arif one of the strongest boys on the team.

Positive Degree into Superlative Degree

Rule 1:

Rule of changing Positive degree having no other, into Superlative degree:

মূল বাক্যের শেষের subject+ verb+ the+ Positive-এর Superlative রূপ+ no other-এর পের থেকে verb-এর মাঝের অংশ।

Main sentence’s subject situated at the last+ verb+ the+ Positive degree’s Superlative form+ the part of the sentence between No other and the verb.

Positive: No other student in the class is as brilliant as Adil.

Superlative: Adil is the most brilliant student in the class.

Rule 2:

Rule of changing Positive degree having very few, into Superlative degree:

মূল বাক্যের শেষের subject+ verb+ one of the+ Positive-এর Superlative রূপ+ very few -এর পের থেকে verb-এর মাঝের অংশ।

Main sentence’s subject situated at the last+ verb+ one of the+ Positive degree’s Superlative form+ the part of the sentence between Very few and the verb.

Positive: Very few students in the class is as brilliant as Sohana.

Superlative: Sohana is one of the most brilliant students in the class.
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