Assertive to Exclamatory

Transformation of Sentences

Assertive to Exclamatory

Rule 1:

প্রথমে what বা how বসে + adjective বসে + subject + verb + বাকী অংশ( যদি থাকে) + !

Note – adjective এর পূর্বে a থাকলে what a বসে এবং a না থাকলে how বসে.

Assertive - It is a very beautiful place.
Exclamatory – What a beautiful place it is!
Assertive – The man is very honest.
Exclamatory – How honest the man is!

Rule 2:

Assertive sentence এ wish থাকলে Exclamatory করার সময় শুরুতে if/had বসে।

Assertive – I wish I had the wings of a bird.
Exclamatory – Had I the wings of bird!
Or, If I had the wings of a bird!

Assertive – I wish I were a king.
Exclamatory – If I were a king!

Rule 3:

Assertive sentence এ wish/desire Exclamatory sentence করার সময় এর শুরুতে If, had, o that, oh that, ইত্যাদি বসে।

Assertive – I wish I were a player.
Exclamatory – If I were a player!
Assertive – I desire I were young again.
Exclamatory – Oh that I were young again.
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