Noun Clause in Complex sentence : Analysis of Complex Sentence

☑️ Noun Clause in Complex sentence

A Noun clause can be used in a sentence as -
a) Subject
b) Object
c) Prepostional Object
d) Appositive
e) Subject Complement
f) Object Complement

1.  Noun clause as Subject :

1. [That he will accept the job] is certain.
2. [What he said] is important.
3. [How he died] is a mystery.
4. [Why she went there] is unknown.

🔎 Analysis :

That he will accept the job is certain.

☑️ Noun clause (as Subject) + Linking Verb + Adjective 

That he will accept the job — Noun clause
That + Sub + Transitive Verb + Object 

2. Noun clause as object of the transitive verb:

1. I know [that he is innocent. ]
2. Nobody knows [when he will come. ] |
3. The thief confessed [how he had committed the crime. ]
4. Hasan knows [where Karim lives. ]
5. I wonder [if he has missed the train. ]

🔎 Analysis :

I know that he is innocent.
Subject + Transitive Verb + Noun clause as object 

That he is innocent — Noun clause
That + Subject + L-Verb + Adjective 

📃 A list of transitive verbs which take that after them :

believe fear suggest
demand hope regret
deny imagine think
expect promise wish

I believe (that) he is honest. 
I hope (that) you will come to my party.

📃 These verbs can take that, how, when, where, how after them and noun clause can be made:

admit hear remember
confess know understand
declare learn say
demonstrate notice see
explain propose suggest

He explained [ that he was delayed by bad weather. ]
He explained [ how the robbery was committed. ]
He explained [ why he had committed the crime.]
He expalined [ when he had committed the crime. ]
He expalined [ where he had committed the crime. ]

📃 These transitive verbs can't make noun clause after them with that but with why, where, how, if :
wonder, ask, enquire, discuss 

Iwonder [why he is so late.]
I wonder [if he has missed the bus.]
I wonder [where he has gone.]
I wonder [how he lost his money.]

3. Noun clause as objects of preposition:

I know nothing except [what he told me.]
From [what you told me.] 
I can say that he is honest.

4. Noun clause as appositives:

The fact [that he has become a criminal] distressed his parents.
The news [that a tiger had been seen in the village] terrified the people.

5. Noun clause as subject-complements:
The reason for his popularity is [that he is an honest man.]
This is exactly [what he told me.]

6. Noun clause as object complements: 

He named his house [what I suggested. ]
You may call that man [whatever you like. ]

📝 indirect object + direct object ➡️Noun clause 
He told me [what his name was]
He promised the teacher [that he would be regular in his attendance.
Mina asked her mother [why she was crying.]

Noun clause start with what, that, why, how, if after these verbs :

advise promise tell
ask show
inform teach warm

☑️ The following Noun clauses can be called adjective-complements :

It is obvious [that he was wrong.]

It is unfortunate [that he has lost his purse. ]

☑️ Compound-Complex Sentence
When both compound and complex sentences are used in a sentence, that sentence is called compund-complex sentence. 

📝 Examples:

1. When Ali passed his H.S.C. Exam he decided to go to a univeristy to study physics, but his sister, who also passed her H.S.C exam, wanted to be a doctor.

2.  The ambulance started as soon as the patient was put in and the driver was told to get to the hospital as quickly as possible.

🔎 Analysis :

When Ali passed his H.S.C. exam, he decided to go to a university to study physics— Coordinate clause consisting of an adverbial clause of time and a main clause 

his sister, who also passed her
H.S.C. exam, wanted to be a doctor— Second coordinate clause consisting of a main clause and an adjective clause.

The ambulance started as soon as the patient was put in
Complex Co-ordinate clause.

the driver was told to get to the hospital as quickly as possible
Simple coordinate clause.

📃 Exercises ✍️✍️

1. Make five sentences illustrating each of the following noun clauses:
a) noun clause as subject
b) noun clause as object
c) noun clause as object of preposition
d) noun clause as subject
e) noun clause as object complement
f) noun clause after an adjective

2. Complete the following sentences:
a) The manager explained that ...
why ............
how ........... 

b) The teacher asked why ...
when ........ 
if ...............

3. Illustrate the following structures:
a) Subject + Transitive Verb + Noun Clause
b) Subject + Transitive Verb + Noun + Noun Clause
c) Subject + Linking Verb + Adjective + Noun clause
d) It + Linking Verb + Adjective + Noun clause
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