Please vs. Kindly, uncountable vs. singular vs. plural, open vs. open up

Difficult Difference:

Please vs. Kindly:

Though both the words, please and kindly, are related in meaning, they cannot be used interchangeably in all places as there are similarities as well as differences as given below:

Please give me your pen. = Kindly give me your pen.
Please can I have your pen?, but not Kindly can I have your pen?
Can I have your pen? Yes, please., but not Yes, kindly.
Please, please don't go., but not Kindly, kindly don't go.
Please, I must go., but not Kindly, I must go.

The main difference between them arises from the fact that 'please' is used as an interjection/exclamation whereas 'kindly' is used as an adverb; let alone their uses as different parts of speech like 'please' as a verb and 'kindly' as adjective.

 Subtle Difference: uncountable vs. singular vs. plural

Knowledge is uncountable and singular whereas data is uncountable and plural. As if to make matters worse, milk is only uncountable, neither singular nor plural. So, what is the difference among these words? Let's carefully look at these words below:

knowledge: uncountable and singular. It means we cannot count the knowledge but the knowledge can be viewed as a single whole unit. As an uncountable noun, it always takes the singular verb forms, and as singular, we can even say 'a knowledge' as in 'A knowledge of good English is essential.'

data: uncountable and plural. It means the data, like sand, is uncountable because they are (too) many in number, hence plural. As an uncountable noun, it can take singular verb forms, and as plural, plural verb forms, e.g., 'The data is from the school' and 'The data show the intensity of the problem.'

milk: uncountable. As milk is liquid, we can neither count it nor treat it as a single unit nor split into (too) many small units in large numbers. Therefore, it is neither singular nor plural, but as an uncountable noun, it always takes singular verb forms.

Opened up (Explained finally): open vs. open up

Yes, there is definitely a difference between open and open up as explained below:

1. Open the door. - It means that you open the door simply, and consequently the door is no longer closed. That's all. What may happen next is not implied. For example, you may open the door casually, or you can open a lid, a book, your mouth, etc.

2. Open up the door! - On the other hand, 'open up' implies a purpose thereafter. It can mean open with a purpose or open + another action as illustrated below:

a) Open up, or else I'll break open. - It means two things, namely somebody should open (the door) and somebody else wants to enter even by force, i.e., open up = finish opening immediately or open + finish.

b) He opened up (his feelings) to me. - i.e., open + express/show

c). Our new product will open up the Indian market. - i.e., open + reach. On the other hand, if we say 'Our new product will open the Indian market', it would mean our product will physically open the locked/closed Indian market.

d) The watchman opens up the gate at 9 AM daily. - i.e., regularly open + let others in. On the other hand, if the watchman simply opens the gate, it may be just to come out, and he may close it immediately.

e) An old register was opened up yesterday. - i.e., the old register was opened with a specific purpose, or else the old register was opened and lay open for some time to do some work.
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