Adverb Clause


An adverbial clause is dependent clause introduced by an adverbial subordinator. It is used to modify the verb of the independent clause and tells when (time), where (place), why (reason), for what purpose, how, how long, and how far. It is also used to show contrast and concession.


An adverbial clause can come either before or after the independent clause.


Adverbial clause + , + Independent clause (a comma after adverbial clause)

- Independent clause + Adverbial clause (no comma after adverbial clause)


As he didn’t understand, he asked the teacher to explain.

- He asked the teacher to explain as he didn’t understand.


There are several different kinds of adverbial clauses; in addition, the subordinators can distinguish the different types of adverbial clauses.

a) Adverb Clause of Time

We use adverb clause of time to modify verb in main clause and to tell the time that an action takes place.

Subordinating Conjunctions: when, whenever, anytime, before, after, till, until, while, since, just as, as soon as, as often as, now that, as long as …


- She ran away while I was sleeping.

- While I was sleeping, she ran away.

b) Adverb Clause of Place

We use adverb clause of place to modify verb in main clause and to tell the place that an action takes place.

Subordinating Conjunctions: where, as far as, as near as, wherever, anywhere…


- She is always drunk wherever I meet her.

- Wherever I meet her, she is always drunk.

c) Adverb Clause of Manner

We use adverb clause of manner to modify verb in main clause and to tell how an action takes place.

Subordinating Conjunctions: as if, as though, as


- The boy speaks as if he is sick.

- As if he is sick, the boy speaks.

d) Adverb Clause of Cause/Reason

We use adverb clause of cause/reason to modify verb in main clause and to tell the cause that an action takes place.

Subordinating Conjunctions: because, as, for, that


- I come here because I want to meet you.

- Because I want to meet you, I come here.

e) Adverb Clause of Condition

We use adverb clause of condition to modify verb in main clause and to tell the condition that an action takes place or someone does something.

Subordinating Conjunctions: if, whether, if … not, unless, supposing that, provided that, in the condition that, as long as that


- I will commit suicide unless you love me.

- Unless you love me, I will commit suicide.

f) Adverb Clause of Purpose

We use adverb clause of purpose to modify verb in main clause and to tell the aim that someone does something or something happens.

Subordinating Conjunctions: so that, in order that,


- I tell him everyday in order that he can remember.

- In order that he can remember, I tell him everyday.


Sometimes we can use “so as to, in order to” to stand instead of “so that, in order that”.

Sentence + so that / in order that + subject + verb + complement.

Sentence + so as to / in order to + verb + complement.


- I bring my dictionary with me in order that I can check.

- I bring my dictionary with me in order to check.

g) Adverb Clause of Result/Consequence

We use adverb clause of result/consequence to modify verb in main clause and to tell the result that someone does something or something happens.

Subordinating Conjunctions: “that” is used to recognize adverb clause of result

Subject + verb + so + adjective/adverb + that + subject + verb + comp


- She is so hungry that she has lunch early.

- That she has lunch early, she is so hungry.

Subject + verb + such + noun(s) + that + subject + verb + complement


- She acts such a rude manner that no man loves her.

- That no man loves her, she acts such a rude manner.

h) Adverb Clause of Concession/Contrast

We use adverb clause of concession/contrast to modify verb in main clause and it is introduced by the below-written subordinating conjunctions:

Subordinating Conjunctions: though, however, even though, even if, although, so, in spite of the fact that, the fact that, despite that, whether or, granted that, whoever, whatever, whichever, no matter what, whereas, while


- I have never committed crime although I am poor.

- Although I am poor, I have never committed crime.

i) Adverb Clause of Degree

We use adverb clause of degree to modify verb in main clause.

Subordinating Conjunctions: according to as, according to how


- She will be paid according to how she works.

- According to how she works, she will be paid.

j) Adverb Clause of Means

We use adverb clause of means to modify verb in main clause.

Subordinating Conjunctions: by the fact that, by whatever means, by what means.


- You can recognize her easily by the fact that she speaks loudly.

- By the fact that she speaks loudly, you can recognize her easily.

k) Adverb Clause of Comparison

We use adverb clause of comparison to modify verb in main clause.

Subordinating Conjunctions: small, fast, hard, slow, late…

Subject + verb + as + adjective/adverb + as + subject + verb + comp


- Your book is as small as my book is.

- You speak as fast as she does.

                             Sub + verb + adj/adv-er /more-adj/adv + than + sub + verb + comp


- She runs faster than I do.

- They speak more fluently than he does.
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